Nov 18, 2009

Single Is A Gift

Alone? That was me almost a year ago. Sullen, empty. I wore many masks to hide, to pretend and to scape to the sadness that never seems to leave me. It embraces me at night, it’s killing me slowly. It’s always there and soon it became my best buddy. I grew fond of it, until it bestowed me my wish, to be numb..

Pain become my companion as I took my journey. Pain taught me to forget the pain and hurt I’ve been through, I hated love, commitments, relationships, it disgusts me seeing couples cuddling, kissing, hugging and showing affection and passion to each other.

The Art Of Letting Go

Sometimes, we ask ourselves why love leaves us when we have given so much of ourselves that there is little left for us to start all over again. A lot of us built dreams with the people we hope would be with us forever, only to realize that there is nothing permanent in this cruel world. "Love come and go."

Nov 17, 2009

The Game Called Love

About love...

Love is one of the questions we have always attempted to answer in more than one way. This only shows that it is quite impossible to grasp and comprehend the totality of it’s being. But we try, don’t we? We try and find out by getting hurt… we try and find out… when you enter into a relationship, when you commit yourself you must always bear in mind that you are sharing a part of yourself to a stranger who mere chance or destine fate, you take the risk.