May 7, 2010

Voyeurism:Satisfaction For Love Or Lust?

Voyeurism is a psychosexual disorder in which a someone deduces intimate enjoyment and gratification from looking at the unclothed bodies and genital instruments or seeing the intimate plays of others. The voyeur is commonly obscured from scenery of others. Voyeurism is a configuration of paraphilia.
A variant configuration of voyeurism includes perceiving to erotic conversations. This is ordinarily cited to as phone sex, though it is commonly deliberated voyeurism mostly in the case of perceiving to unsuspecting persons.

May 6, 2010

Foreplay:What Do Men Crave For?

What do men crave for a foreplay?

Usually it's the men who are yelling, "Tell me how to get her going!" It's good to observe a woman requesting this query for a change. Good for you for asking!

Often a man is stimulated by sex by what he sees -- men are likely to answer to visuals, while women are likely to answer more to what they learn and feel. That said, some men perform want to be influenced or cajoled into achievement more directly. The first and minimal lead is to ask. Ask him what he likes, wants and desires as a turn-on.