Dec 20, 2013

How To Get Over Your Ex?

By on Friday, December 20, 2013

Sorry to break it to you, but it’s over. The relationship has ended. You two are no longer together. You can’t kiss him anymore. You can’t hug him anymore. And you need to accept it. The first step to moving on is to accept that it’s over. You’ve got to understand that you can’t talk to him anymore. You can’t hang out with him anymore. You can’t check up on his social media accounts anymore. You’ve got to delete those old messages. Delete your pictures together. Delete his number. It’s over. Accept it. The hurt will be over soon. You can do it!  

Don’t Even Talk to His Friends

Yeah, you probably made friends with his friends. And yeah, they’re probably some really great people. But think about it, they were his friends before they were your friends. So if you were to talk to them about him, they would probably tell him. But you shouldn’t even be talking about him anyways! The reason you shouldn’t be talking to his friends, though is because you shouldn’t even be talking about him at all. You really shouldn’t even be thinking about him at all.         

Friends? Nu-uh!!

It was a relationship. It might have been a friendship before that. But it is after now. And it is neither of the above choices. You guys can’t be friends. There’s that cliché line that goes like, “I think that we should just be friends..” But that line is a lie! You can’t be friends with your ex. If you’re friends with your ex, you’ll just end up getting hurt. Because he will be with a new person and it will kill you inside, even if you’ve convinced to yourself that you’re over them. You can’t be just friends with an ex. It’s impossible.                 

No Calls, Text, Tweet!!

You can’t hit him up! Don’t text him. Don’t call him. Don’t tweet him. Don’t even like his instagram photo. When you contact him, it shows to him that you still think about him. And yeah, maybe you do still think about him, but he doesn’t need to know that. He needs to think that you don’t care- that you’re okay and you’re complete unaffected. Because when you call or him or text him or contact him in anyway, you are making his ego grow. You’re making yourself more vulnerable. He’s going to think that he’s more superior than you because you miss him so much. Well stop! Don’t show him that you miss him.           

Don’t tie every little thing to a memory of him

Don’t hurt yourself. He hurt you! He’s stupid. You shouldn’t have to remember him. It’s painful to think of him all the time. But thinking about him is a choice. You don’t have to think about him if you don’t want to. I know that everyone tends to attach memories to songs. And I understand how difficult it is to not think of a memory when listening to music, but all you’ve got to do, is change the song. Don’t let yourself suffer. Also, delete all your guys’ pictures. Throw away or donate the presents he gave you. You don’t need that stuff to remind you of what was.

Be With Your Friends!

Get your mind off of him! Do things with you friends. Your friends are great at getting your mind off stress. They’ll be sure that you do not think about them. Usually, when you’re lonely, you think about things that you don’t want to. Well, if you’re out with your friends, you’ll never have a moment of boredom and you’re mind will be completely off your ex. Trust me, your friends can help you get through a breakup. They might even help you get dates to get your mind off of your ex!                

For The Love, Money and Lust
Post: How To Get Over Your Ex?
Blog Name: LoveMoneyLust | For The Love, Money and Lust Blog
Publish Date: Friday, December 20, 2013 | Rating: 4.5

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