Sep 2, 2012

First Date: To Kiss Or Not To Kiss?

By on Sunday, September 02, 2012

 First Date: To Kiss Or Not To Kiss?

If you are presently dating someone and new at this, be aware that first dates can be an exciting experience with many stroppy moments. If that first date is magical, then the big question will pop up at the end of the date. The question is to kiss or not to kiss? What do you think?

So, is it a great idea to kiss on the first date? Not the usual goodbye/goodnight smooch on the cheek, but a long passionate one. Well, the first date kiss, if it happens between two people who are really into each other and think that they may have found someone special can be a very thrilling experience and one that should not be taken too lightly.

But then again, there are times when the first date kiss is a bad idea when the other one is not comfortable with it and is forced upon, especially when the initiator is drunk. When that happened, that will be the last kiss for the rest of your life. Also, you should not kiss someone if you are not sure you want to see that person again.

Then again, if both of you find yourself very much attracted to each other, a kiss will just seems like a natural moment and it should happen naturally and there should not be any uncomfortable moments. However, it is best to keep the kiss light as if the kiss is too passionate, your date may think that you are doing this to your every other date even though it may not be true.

There is another reason for keeping the kiss light. It shows that you are in control of your emotion and respect your date. You will also leave your date wanting for more and to leave you the night with self-respect and dignity. This in turn shows that you have respect for your partner too and will be valued.

Remember, if your kiss is too eager, even if both of you like each other, it may lead to spending the night together in bed. Exciting as it might be, you probably have only known your date for only a few hours and already you are having sex. What will you think of her or him the morning after or vice versa? Will your partner think that you are cheap or you thinking of your date the same way?

Why take the risk of putting doubts in an unprepared relationship? If both of you truly like each other, the passionate magical kiss thereafter will come when you have more confidence in the relationship and are sure that you are meant for each other. Wouldn't that be nicer when you are finally kissing someone you know who have a special place in your heart and one who is willingly spending the night with you because of true love?

So the question is, should you or should you not kiss on the first date? Only you will have the answer to that. Happy kissing!

For The Love, Money and Lust
Post: First Date: To Kiss Or Not To Kiss?
Blog Name: LoveMoneyLust | For The Love, Money and Lust Blog
Publish Date: Sunday, September 02, 2012 | Rating: 4.5

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